Echelle Spectrograph-Spectra Analyzer

Echelle Spectrograph-Spectra Analyzer

Mid-Range Grating Spectrometer
● Spectral Range: 220-600nm
● Spectral Resolution: 0.06nm @ 200nm
● Grating: 54.5 lines/mm, 46.6° blaze angle
● Grating Bias Angle: 8°
● Focal Length: 180.05mm
● Detector: 1004 x 1002 pixel array, pixel size 8μm

Compact size, high spectral resolution, full spectrum blaze, full spectrum transient direct-reading, high energy transmission efficiency, compact design with no moving parts.

It has significant applications in various fields including light and heavy industry, agriculture, biology, medicine, chemistry, physics, astronomy, environmental monitoring, and geology and archaeology.

>>Echelle Spectrograph-Spectra Analyzer technical data download
